Start with why: the proven benefits of meditation

Anxiety is your body's natural response to stress. It's a feeling of worry, fear or nervousness about what's to come. Even though there are common symptoms such as tension, self-doubt or increased blood pressure, each individual experiences anxiety in a different way.

Before we begin it's important to be totally honest and clear. What brings you to this course? What situations are causing you anxiety ? Science shows that if we have a strong enough WHY, a powerful motivation, we are more likely to overcome obstacles and succeed with our goals. Radical self-honesty is the first step to overcoming anxiety.

Take a moment to fill in the PDF and read some of the proven benefits of meditation. Apart from it's neurological benefits, meditation is a wonderful antidote to anxiety because it teaches us to be more present and at ease with the inherent uncertainties of life. Are you ready to regain your natural joy, confidence and mental clarity?

Once you start to experience all these positive effects, you'll wonder why isn't everyone meditating. You might even feel like sharing meditation (and this course) with others!

Meditation for Anxious Minds - Benefits of meditation.pdf
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